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We are a community of many ages from 0 to 94. If you bring children, they will not be alone - they may even find a classmate. We are neither a big nor a small church. You could eventually learn all of our names. We believe church is far more than an hour a week in a pew. To that end, many of us volunteer, both inside and outside our church, and participate in the service through music, AV, serving communion, ringing the church bell, reading scripture, greeting at the doors, or leading us in prayer.
We love our church even if it is imperfect and incomplete. Our journey with our fellow members has helped many of us grow as Christians and a community yet we recognize much learning and growth remains. We are a congregation in the Illinois South Conference of the United Church of Christ and an Open and Affirming congregation. To help paint a picture of our church, we invite you to explore the information in the links below.
We love our church even if it is imperfect and incomplete. Our journey with our fellow members has helped many of us grow as Christians and a community yet we recognize much learning and growth remains. We are a congregation in the Illinois South Conference of the United Church of Christ and an Open and Affirming congregation. To help paint a picture of our church, we invite you to explore the information in the links below.
Children and Youth
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Vision and Beliefs
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Service & Missions
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