Come Join Us
We'd love to have you join us for worship, bible study, or one of our many events. To connect with us online or join us for online worship, please visit us on Facebook. For more information on our church beyond what is on our site, please contact us.
As a community of faith, we strive to be a welcoming and caring fellowship of Christians who study and live the teachings of the bible; minister to each other, the community, the world at large; and bring the good news of God's grace to others. We strive to welcome all, including those who have often been ignored or shunned by the church. |
Shine Summer Lunch Program
The Shine summer lunch program has started! Grab and Go meals for children and teens are available on Mondays, Wednesday , and Fridays all summer from 11:30 to 12:30 at two locations in Marion. More details are available on this and other summer lunch programs are available on the Shine lunch program page.
Church Information
Worship Times
10:00 am Worship Service and Children's Christian Education 10:00 am Online Worship on Facebook 930 West Cherry Street Marion, Illinois 62959 Office: 618.997.5190 Office is open by appointment only Zion UCC is an Open and Affirming Congregation |